Mountain Raung

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mount Raung 3332 (m asl), located within the ranks of Ijen Mountains and includes a volcano is still active with the type of stratovolcano, caldera at its peak has a ring-shaped (circular), Caldera Mountain Raung dimension has an area of approximately...
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mountain slamet

Mount Slamet (3432 meter) volcano is located on the island of Java, Indonesia. The mountain is located on the border Brebes, Banyumas, Purbalingga, District and County Pemalang Tegal, Central Java Province, and is the highest in Central Java and...
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Mountain Semeru

Mount Semeru or Sumeru is the highest volcano in Java, with its peak Mahameru, 3676 meters above sea level (masl). The crater at the summit of Mount Semeru Saloko Jonggring known.Semeru has Hill dipterocarp forest, dipterocarp forest Upper Montane...
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Mountain Argapura

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Argapura Mountain is a mountain located on the island of Java, Indonesia. Mount Argapura have as high as 3088 meters altitude. The mountain is often also called Argopuro. Mount Argapura a former volcano that is no longer active. This mountain is...
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