Mountain Argapura

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Argapura Mountain is a mountain located on the island of Java, Indonesia. Mount Argapura have as high as 3088 meters altitude. The mountain is often also called Argopuro.

Mount Argapura a former volcano that is no longer active.

This mountain is part of the mountains Iyang located in Probolinggo district, East Java. Be in a position between Mount Semeru and Mount roar. There are several peaks which are owned by the mountain. Famous peak called Peak Rengganis / mountain Welirang (topografichen Dienst 1928). While the highest peak located at a distance of ± 200 m in the south peak Rengganis. The highest peak is named Argapoera and marked with a monument height (triangulation).

Mount Argapura have Hill dipterocarp forest, dipterocarp forest Upper Montane Forest, and Forest Ericaceous or mountain forest.


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