Mountain gede

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mount Gede is a mountain located on the island of Java, Indonesia. Mount Gede within the scope Pangrango Gede National Park, which is one of five national parks in Indonesia was first announced in 1980. The mountain is located in the territory of three districts namely Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi, with a height of 1000-3000 m. asl, and is at latitude 106 ° 51 '- 107 ° 02' east longitude and 64 ° 1 '- 65 ° 1 LS. The average temperature at the peak of Mount Gede 18 ° C and in the evening peak temperatures range from 5 ° C, with average rainfall is 3600 mm / year. Main gateway to this mountain is from Cibodas and Cipanas.

Mount Gede forest is covered by mountains, which includes zones submontana, montana, up to subalpin around the peak. Montane forests in this region is one of the richest flora species in Indonesia, even in the Malesia region.

- Tourism Object

Gudung Gede and Pangrango Gede National Park is also an interesting natural tourist attraction and visited by many tourists, both domestic and international.
Some locations / attractions to be visited

* Blue Lake. Small-sized five-hectare lake (1575 meters above sea level.) Located 1.5 km from the entrance Cibodas. This lake always looks blue in the sun, because it is covered by blue algae.
* Waterfalls Cibeureum. Waterfalls which have a height of about 50 meters is located about 2.8 km from Cibodas. In the vicinity of the waterfall to see the kind of red algae are endemic in West Java.
* Hot Water. Located about 5.3 km or 2 hours drive from Cibodas.
* Stone and Cage Cage Rhino. For camping activities and observations of plants / animals. Located at an altitude of 2220 m. asl with a distance of 7.8 km or 3.5 hours drive from Cibodas.
* Peak and the Crater of Mount Gede. Panorama of sunset / sunrise, stretch of the city of Cianjur, Sukabumi, Bogor seen clearly, attractions and interesting geological observations typical plants around the crater. At the top there are three craters are still active in a complex that is the crater Lanang, Queen and Wadon. Located at an altitude of 2958 m. asl with a distance of 9.7 km or 5 hours drive from Cibodas.
* Square Suryakencana. Plain area of 50 hectares covered with edelweiss flower beds. Located at an altitude of 2750 m. asl with a distance of 11.8 km or 6 hours drive from Cibodas.


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