Arjuno Mountain (or Mount Arjuna, the ancient name) is located in Malang, East Java, Strato-type with a height of 3339 m above sea level and is under the management of Tahura Raden Soeryo. Usually this is achieved from the three mountain climbing a well-known point that is of Lawang, Tretes and Stone.
Arjuno mountain adjacent to Mount Welirang. Mountain Peak is located on a ridge Arjuno same mountaintop Welirang. Apart from the above two places to climb Mount Arjuno from various other directions. Mountain which lies west of Batu, Malang - East Java is also a climbing destination. Besides the high that has reached more than 3000 meters, in the mountains there are several tourist attractions. One of them is a tourist attraction Grandfather Bodo waterfall which is also one route to the summit of Mount Arjuna. Although other than a tourist attraction Grandfather Bodo waterfall there is also another waterfall, but the tourists rarely visit other waterfall, probably because the location of tourist facilities and less support.
Mount Arjuno have Hill dipterocarp forest, dipterocarp forest Upper Montane Forest, and Forest Ericaceous or mountain forest.
Mount Arjuno to climb and a variety of directions, the direction of North (Tretes) via Mount Welirang, and the east (Lawang) and from the west (Batu-Selecta), and the south (Karangploso), also from sub Singosari through Sumberawan village. Sumberawan Village is a village in the district craft centers Singosari is the last village to prepare themselves before starting the ascent.
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